RTDimileth FAQ
There won't be any fanart posted here all images are from official sources
You may use the screenshots expect for daily "character/ship" or rt "character/ship" accounts please respect that and take your own screenshots for that
Some screenshots are edited! either to remove/add a character for this account from the admin or admin friends please do not use these screenshots outside icon or header, don't repost them thank you!
If you're unsure if a screenshot is edited please reach out in the replies or dm ♡
SFW account but there might have hinted NSFW
This account does not advertise hate in any form or shape, if a example tweet is "Getting Emporer's head" or "Dimitri Protecting Byleth from character" it's not advertising hate just a refrence to ingame or what is happening on screen
Sources - Fire emblem Three houses, Fire emblem Heroes, Fire emblem Heroes comics, Smash brothers ultimate, Fire emblem chiper.
Fan made dimileth sources - Miitopia switch,
Irregular updates
Submissions are open you can submit via DM on twitter (@RTDimileth) or mail [email protected]
Please submit your own screenshots and not screenshot you grabbed from somewhere


RTDimileth posts pictures of Dimitri & F!Byleth sometimes solo Dimitri/F!Byleth both academy and war phase Dimileth
You can get in contact via Twitter or mail
Current Dimitri & F!Byleth units on hand in heroes
Blue hair!Byleth
Current supports
Legendary!Dimitri/Blue hair!Byleth